vrijdag 5 december 2008

A little Basque fame

When I was wondering about how my study in the Basque Country would be like, what kind of persons I would meet, how I spend my days and what would overcome me I never expected what happend to me yesterday..

If you where listening to the EITB Euskadi Radio yesterday then you might have heard Tieme and me tripping over our Spanish in the program of Roberto Moso.

He asked us last week if we would like to be in his radio program to talk about our blogs and experiences here, of course we responded with a yes right away..and then we understood that the whole interview would be in Spanish. (We had to swallow for that one.) As curious as we are we accepted in Spanish as well. (”Claro”)

But ”Ai Ama”, can I get a second chance please??

On air I felt like a little girl afraid to speak so I went back to my knowledge of English quit easily. And now, a hour later I’m thinking about so many things that I could have talked about. For example my housemates Aitor and Rebeka who are ”muy malo”!
My housemate Aitor

(Got you guys in my blog now anyway) Next to that they are really funny persons to live with and they don’t know it there selves but their actually also kind of sweet!

My housemate Rebeka

When we talked about our favourite food here I didn’t even mention ”tortilla de patata”, all the dishes with vegetable in a layer of eggs and the finger licking ”jamon” over here!
Next to that I could have mentioned the names of all our friends over here and why they are our friends. For example there is Gorka, who took us to his family and on a very interesting trip to a old farm. Who I used to translate for me in the beauty salon when I wanted to cut my hair (poor boy) and who took us to a very lovely weekend in Noga together with his friends Danny and Itziar.

Then there are of course all the people that we met true or housemates like Xabi, Gotzen, Mirian, Iker and so on. This are the people who know how to have a good time in a crazy kind of way! And I could fill the page with just naming everybody that I can see as my friend over here now but I think they know without me mentioning them.

On the Radio program Roberto talked about our blogs, he had translated some phrases in Spanish. They sound more interesting in Spanish to me so that was very nice to hear! (And I was glad about understanding my own writing in Spanish.)

Ah and another thing that I forgot to mention on air..

”Soy innocente”!

In total it was a very nice experience! :)

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